Bubonic by Lost Tone Pros & Skratcher
Lost Tone Pros & Skratcher collaborated and made Bubonic 7″ scratch record + new looper. Bubonic Looper. 13 dope beats by Nemcis, DJ A1, Jewlz, JReign, Lodus, Mike MSA, Paul Skratch, Shotta Dubz, StuntsOne, Underkut, Wundrkut & Zalamedia. Download Bubonic Looper on TableBeats now and get busy with it!
I you haven’t ordered the Bubonic 7″ scratch record yet there’s a few copies left at carpalcutters.com. Act fast!
Lost Tone Pros & Skratcher – Bubonic Looper (13 beats)
01 Nemcis 140BPM
02 DJ A1 158BPM
03 Jewlz 90BPM
04 JReign 148BPM
05 Lodus 01 148BPM
06 Lodus 02 136BPM
07 Mike MSA 134BPM
08 Paul Skratch 120BPM
09 Shottadubz 80BPM
10 StuntsOne 145BPM
11 Underkut 108BPM
12 Wundrkut 82BPM
13 Zalamedia 80BPM