The 88th installment of original Looper series by super producer from UK – Zuckell – is now added to TableBeats’ library. Looper 88 is 10 dope beats, all produced by Zuckell. BPM range between 88 - 175. Download Looper 88 on TableBeats today and get busy with it!
Zuckell - Disappearing Act - 90BPM
Zuckell - Small Fry - 160BPM
Zuckell - Ain’t It - 90BPM
Zuckell - Like Minded - 150BPM
Zuckell - 1 in 1000 - 90BPM
Zuckell - Zero In Return - 160BPM
Zuckell - Fools Of Patronage - 122BPM
Zuckell - You Are So Cool (Not) - 88BPM
Zuckell - Prior Engagements - 140BPM
Zuckell - Diamond Bullet - 175BPM